Free BBC TV Licence

BBC TV LICENCE policy of Over 50s party

Never Pay BBC TV Licence Again

  • FREE BBC TV LICENCE from age 60 men and women immediately Over 50s party gets into government. 

  • Work towards ending BBC TV Licence for all ages, making it self funding as Channel 4 television (the other public broadcaster, that has adverts).  

  • Renationalise Channel 4 television if sold off to private owner. 

  • Grant ownership of Channel 4 television to all trade unions combined. 

  • Law so socialism has full, free and regular access to Channel 4 television. 

  • Law so pension campaigners have full, free and regular access to Channel 4 television.

    National Pensioners Convention and 1950s to 1980s born women, without journalists, telling about the discrimination of mainstream media today against them by age. We are the victims of ageism in general and ageist sexism against women aged over 50. 

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