Women & Babies NHS Care

Safe NHS maternity provision

England, Wales, Scotland, Ulster,

The Shetland & The Orkneys

Full staffing of  NHS midwives and obstetrics

  • End low staffing levels, putting safety of mothers and babies at risk in birthing care in NHS hospitals.

  • Fully staff maternity NHS units with midwives and obstetrics staff (in hospital delivery suites).

From petition


  • All women to be tested for Group B Strep (GBS) by
    36 weeks of pregnancy, routinely by the NHS.
    petition ..."So many babies die or are left with severe brain damage due to GBS. This could be avoided."...


Group B Strep: Fast Facts and Statistics | CDC

In the United States, GBS bacteria are a leading cause of meningitis and bloodstream infections in a newborn’s first three months of life.

Newborns are at increased risk for GBS disease if their mother tests positive for the bacteria late in pregnancy.

2 to 3 in every 50 babies (4–6%) who develop GBS disease die.


Early-onset GBS infection

  • If a baby develops GBS infection in the first week after birth, it’s known as early-onset GBS infection.

Symptoms include:

  • being floppy and unresponsive
  • grunting when breathing, or
  • working hard to breathe when you look at their chest or tummy
  • a high or low temperature
  • very fast or slow heart rate
  • very fast or slow breathing
  • changes in their skin colour, including blotchy skin
  • not feeding well or vomiting milk
  • crying and unable to settle

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