Workplace Bullying

Workplace Bullying

Escaping Toxic Workplaces

  •  The Germans give the best definition of workplace bullying, as
Psychological Terrorisation.  
  • Read ‘Bully in Sight’ book,
    by author the late Tim Fields,
    so you can realise what is happening to you.

  • Immediately leave such a toxic bullying workplace. Only competent workers are bullied, as the bully wants you to last long so he / she enjoys this emotional sadism. 

  • Specialist NHS clinic for treatment of workplace bullying stress injury (which can include up to Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, anxiety disorders and Clinical Depression) caused by workplace bullying to victim). 
  • Take advice from European workplace bullying clinics for Specialist UK NHS clinic for workplace bullying victims, who state bullied clients benefit most from the support of a day or residential treatment clinic, which has developed a multidisciplinary, collaborative team approach to assessing and treating the sufferer. 

  • European workplace bullying special clinics also state, although clients benefit from skilled individual therapy and group work, access to a dietician, a physical exercise expert, a rehabilitation or vocational consultant and hospital treatment for the seriously injured are recommended.
    Herbal treatments are better than prescription medicine for workplace bullied victims. 
  • Therapists to gain specific training in treatment skills to treat workplace bullying victims. 
  • Your GP and general NHS mental health staff won’t understand workplace bullying stress injury. 

  • Utilising non-medical fellow victims from bully support groups, so the victim realises it was never their fault, but that of the bully. 

  • Reclassify PTSS (Post traumatic stress syndrome) as a disability, being as is trauma stress over long periods of time, to such as victims of this kind of workplace bully.
    This is a disability before it is a mental health condition, as can be treated. 

  • Over 50s party in government will treat your workplace bullying stress injury as a disability for benefits, so the pressure to return to work is not required. 

A workplace bullied victim is unlikely to return to the world of work.
Voluntary work occasionally maybe,
which will not be permitted to interfere with right to disability benefit,
which will be non means-tested. 

  • In management classes teach future bosses never to put a bully in team working or as a manager of people.
    Put bullies as lone workers and managing things, not people.
    Saves high cost of constant high staff turnover.
    Remember you have a duty of care for your staff against a bully. 

  • Teach in management courses, to future supervisors and middle management, not to believe higher management will care less about workplace bullying, as the higher up the management level, the more bullies are concentrated. 

  • Not have a medico-legal definition of workplace bullying as a court case against the bully will only traumatise you further. Society and justice don’t believe in your workplace bullying stress injury.
  • Seek out this bully individual at school and for education and career advice to guide him or her into Lone Working occupations.

  • As a boy, might put him off, in relationships school classes, of getting into cohabiting / married relationships, and stick to casual such life, when adult. 


  • Personality traits of a bully – Danger, the personality traits of a bully may sound like your average Tory, Starmer Labour and Lib Dems MPs!
  • 1. Wicked
  • Narcissistic roots, characterised by superficial charm.
    A narcissist feels an excessive sense of grandiosity, thinking they are special.

  • 2. Feel pleasure in seeing another suffer

  • Bully takes great pleasure in seeing their victim humiliated and enjoys the suffering of the other.

  • 3. No remorse

  • Bully is cruel and doesn’t care about the pain of the victim. 

  • Does not feel guilt because he enjoys acting like this.

  • 4. Low self-esteem

  • Bully has a large inferiority complex, that is a consequence of his low self-esteem. 

  • Bully tries to increase his own value through attacks on the victim.

  • 5. Lack of empathy

  • Empathy is the ability to put yourself in other people’s shoes. 

  • The bully tends to not put himself in other people’s shoes, because basically he could not care less. 

  • 6. Bullies have paranoid traits.

  • That is, they are people who feel a great distrust towards others and an intense unfounded anticipation that others want to cause them some harm,
    show a certain self-centredness and
    are calculating, cold and demanding.


Narcissists' brain is wired differently so incapable of changing from that behaviour.

Their brain cannot process compassion, empathy or remorse. So cannot be sorry for their actions.

That kind of brain has inability to step into your shoes (empathy). 

Cerebral cortex forms the external nerve cell layer of the brain and this is different in narcissists. 

Source: Manjit Kaur Ruprai, therapist 

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