

Conserve Trees. Plant Native Trees.

• Work with farmers and foresters to plant millions of native British tree species to better flood management.

• Ensure forests in public hands, all stay public owned.

• Research to end 5G needing to cut down mature woodland to get coverage. 
No tree will be felled to gain 5G. 

• Research tree shelters made from biodegradable wool, instead of plastic tree shelters, to protect young trees from grazing animals such as deer and the use of harmful herbicide sprays. 

• Councils no longer cut down trees, but maintain / prune them. 
Where already felled, reinstate them. 

• Make law to have tree-lined streets for all new housing developments. 

• Strip back HS2 high-speed rail line and use track ways to re-wild lost mature woodland and wild flower meadows, instead of HS1 and HS2 tracks, no longer needed. 

• Maintain mature trees on railway embankments.
• Research organic ways to keep forests healthy, without pesticides. 

• Communicate better with residents of private homes, if mature trees on their land have a tree preservation order on them. 

  • Legal right of ancient trees, woodlands and forests, same as archaeological sites have of Scheduled Ancient Monument status.
  • Create law for legal rights of communities to appeal against the felling of trees more than 40 years old. 
  • Source from petition 

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